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Libertarians Rejoice!

Last year a group of anti-government types, interested in creating a utopia free from the burdens of pesky social services, designated New Hampshire as a ...

Last year a group of anti-government types, interested in creating a utopia free from the burdens of pesky social services, designated New Hampshire as a nationwide haven for libertarians (most likely because half of them already lived there). Sadly, they chose the wrong location. Pomeroy, Iowa would have been a far better choice.

That's because poor, poor Pomeroy's government has nearly ceased to exist. The city's mayor and four of its city council members quit earlier this week. With only one member left, the council lacks a quorum and can't perform any official business, including appointing new members to garner a quorum, until after the November elections. That situation has some residents fretting, but it likely has Grover Norquist jumping for joy.

So, libertarians, pack your bags and head to Pomeroy. But make sure not to take a car, train or plane. Liberty-destroying taxes paid for those roads, rails and airports.

Josh Goodman is a former staff writer for GOVERNING..
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