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If KITT Were a Bus, What Would He Say?

I've got Knight Rider on the brain. Really, I can't stop thinking about it. I didn't even watch the show much growing up. And I ...

I've got Knight Rider on the brain. Really, I can't stop thinking about it. I didn't even watch the show much growing up. And I don't own any David Hasselhoff records -- a punishable offense, as I understand it, in Switzerland.

The reason for my new obsession is because our buses here in Washington are getting equipped with these zippy yellow safety lights. The lights flicker back and forth, much the way the red light on KITT's hood did.

I don't think the bus lights posess any infrared vision capabilities, as KITT's did. Instead, they're intended to make buses more visible, in order to prevent collisions with pedestrians. Seriously, you can see these things coming from half a mile away.

It's the public transit version of this.

Christopher Swope was GOVERNING's executive editor.
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