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Getting a Job the Hard Way

Most people peruse classified sections and send out resumes when they want a new job. Arkansas state Rep. Charles Ormond has decided to try and ...

ormond.jpg Most people peruse classified sections and send out resumes when they want a new job. Arkansas state Rep. Charles Ormond has decided to try and change his state's constitution instead.

Ormond is unable to run for re-election because of term limits. As the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (subscription only) reported yesterday, he has proposed a constitutional amendment to create a state gambling commission. That sounds perfectly benign and reasonable, until you realize that the amendment names Ormond himself as the director of the commission. Until 2016.

Under the plan, the commission would be exempt from legislative oversight and the state's Freedom of Information Act. Also, shockingly, the commission's director is entitled to a "reasonable salary."

Ormond has to gather 80,570 signatures to get his measure on the ballot. Wouldn't it be easier to just set up some interviews?

Josh Goodman is a former staff writer for GOVERNING..
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