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Bipolar Bicycle Bylaws

Streetsblog has an interesting comparison of recent developments in bike laws in Chicago and L.A. In Chicago, an extremely bike-friendly city (which we've written ...

biker2-2.jpg Streetsblog has an interesting comparison of recent developments in bike laws in Chicago and L.A.

In Chicago, an extremely bike-friendly city (which we've written about in Governing), mayor Richard M. Daley has just introduced new regulations that would punish motorists from getting in the way of bikers:

The mayor introduced an ordinance Wednesday that would slap fines ranging from $150 to $500 on motorists who turn left or right in front of someone on a bicycle; pass with less than three feet of space between car and bike; and open a vehicle door into the path of a cyclist.

In L.A., which Streetsblog calls "the other end of the spectrum," a group of bike advocates (who are pushing for a bikers' Bill of Rights) were on their way home Tuesday night when a car almost ran into them -- prompting a police officer to ticket the bikers .

Photo via Flickr, from rjseg1

Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism
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