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Marijuana Legalization to Get November Vote in North Dakota

North Dakotans will vote this November on a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana, state officials announced Monday.

By Avery Anapol

North Dakotans will vote this November on a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana, state officials announced Monday.

Secretary of State Al Jaeger said that Legalize ND, the group leading the charge to get the question on the ballot, submitted 14,637 signatures last month, about 1,200 more than required.

If passed, the ballot measure would permit “non-violent marijuana related activity” for North Dakotans aged 21 and up, according to the Grand Forks Herald.

The measure allows for unlimited possession and growth of marijuana and opens the door for the state to expunge marijuana-related criminal records.

The state voted to legalize medical weed in 2016, but it has not yet been made available to the public, as officials are still licensing dispensaries and growing facilities.

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