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Trump Administration Releases New Ways for States to Skirt Obamacare Rules

The Trump administration on Monday released new regulations aimed at giving states more flexibility to offer cheaper plans on Obamacare’s exchanges next year.

The Trump administration on Monday released new regulations aimed at giving states more flexibility to offer cheaper plans on Obamacare’s exchanges next year.

The new rules would ease the requirements on the health benefits that plans must cover, as well as quality control.

Critics say the new rule will allow insurers to charge higher prices and skirt patient protections.

The rule outlines how insurers can apply for plans sold on Obamacare's exchanges in 2019. It contains several major changes aimed at allowing plans to offer more affordable options on the exchanges, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The changes include new flexibility in how states cover essential health benefits and how much money insurers must devote to improving services.

“Too many Americans are facing skyrocketing premiums that they can’t afford, and every year consumers are faced with the threat of fewer choices,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma. “This rule gives states new tools to stabilize their health insurance markets and empower citizens to find coverage that fits their families’ needs and budgets.”

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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