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Maryland's New GOP Governor Calls for Cutting State Worker Pay, School Aid

Gov. Larry Hogan outlined a budget plan Thursday that would cut school aid to Baltimore and state workers' pay but preserve — at least for now — funding for two light rail lines.

Gov. Larry Hogan outlined a budget plan Thursday that would cut school aid to Baltimore and state workers' pay but preserve — at least for now — funding for two light rail lines.

The new Republican governor said his budget — with cuts to every state agency and to Medicaid providers statewide — would put Maryland on the road to fiscal health while preserving core programs from onerous reductions.
"Over the last eight years, Maryland families and small businesses were tightening their belts, while state government was doing just the opposite," Hogan said. "That's not right, that's not fair, and that stops today."
Hogan began laying out details of next year's roughly $40 billion state budget 24 hours after taking the oath of office. He said his proposal would eliminate a looming $800 million revenue shortfall next year and close the gap projected for future years.
Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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