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Arizona Governor Decides State Will Stick With Common Core

Gov. Doug Ducey, who campaigned on a promise to repeal Common Core, said the state is staying with the standards, at least for now.

Arizona should keep the Common Core academic standards and the tests linked to them, at least for the time being, Gov. Doug Ducey said this morning.


In a speech to the state Board of Education, the governor slapped the federal government for its involvement in education and tying federal aid to states complying with certain standards. And he decried a "one-size-fits-all mentality" about education.

But Ducey, who campaigned on a promise to repeal Common Core, said he does not support House-passed legislation to entirely blow up the standards, calling that "unnecessary."

Instead, he directed the board, working with parents, teachers, students and others, to use the standards as a starting point for a "light of the day review" of what exists now and creating what would be Arizona standards.



Daniel Luzer is GOVERNING's news editor.
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