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Sacramento Filing Period Opens for June 5 Primary Races

The filing period has begun in Sacramento County, Calif., for individuals interested in running for elective office in the June 5 primary, according to the Sacramento Bee.

The filing period has begun in Sacramento County, Calif., for individuals interested in running for elective office in the June 5 primary, according to the Sacramento Bee.

In addition to the presidential primary and other federal races, a number of state and local elections will take place. Those include races for state Senate and Assembly; Superior Court judge; Sacramento County Board of Supervisors; Sacramento County Board of Education; and Twin Rivers district school board.

For the state and county elections, candidates who wish to have filing fees reduced can gather signatures and submit them to the elections office by Feb. 23. The number of signatures required depends on the office.  The elections office will begin accepting nomination papers Feb. 13.

For a list of offices up for election, and a candidate guide, visit

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