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States are continuing to use the power of the investment purse to challenge the way corporations do business.
States are beseeching the White House for some dollars to tide them over while they get back on their feet. The White House isn't going for it.
Alaska's Frank Murkowski left the U.S. Senate to take over a state that's going broke. Why would he do that?
What is the dumbest local government in America? Hard to say, but at least until recently New York's affluent suburb of Nassau County would have to be a contender. How dumb was Nassau's government? So dumb that it bought 1,200 computers a few years ago as backups for the Y2K problem, then left them in boxes for three years as employees begged for upgrades.
The problem is, it couldn't still be there. Small local bookstores can't make a go of it in most places these days. I wish that weren't true, but it is.