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Atlanta: Making Commercial Real Estate More Affordable for Minority-Owned Businesses

The city of Atlanta is a finalist for this year’s City Accelerator project, which is focused on helping cities build and grow their network of local businesses and entrepreneurs of color.

The city of Atlanta is a finalist for this year’s City Accelerator project, which is focused on helping cities build and grow their network of local businesses and entrepreneurs of color. Cities that are chosen for the project will receive valuable support and resources from experts and peers to help them achieve their goals.

You can help select this year's City Accelerator participants! Check out the cities’ pitches, and then let us know which ones you think should be a part of this important program by giving them a star rating and leaving your comments below!

What is Atlanta proposing?

The city of Atlanta proposes a pilot project to help make buying real estate more affordable for local, economically underserved businesses in Southwest Atlanta. With a focus on the 30-acre Pittsburgh Yards site located on the Atlanta Beltline, the proposed real-estate development fund would address three major challenges experienced by minority-owned businesses: limited access to capital based on traditional underwriting criteria; debt service payment capabilities; difficulty purchasing commercial space; and preparing for business growth.


For a detailed description of the mission and purpose of the City Accelerator’s cohort on Local Businesses and Jobs Growth, click here.

Public response is one of several criteria being used by the City Accelerator to select cohort cities. The number of ratings or comments by themselves do not determine final status or selection.

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