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Zach Patton

Executive Editor

Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism for his GOVERNING story on economic cutbacks in Colorado Springs. He has served as an editor since 2010, and as Executive Editor since 2012.

As a member of the City Accelerator program, the city of Los Angeles has made great strides in reaching out to its diverse local business community and helping those firms do more business with the city.
A nonprofit helped Athens, Ga., address this often-ignored need and wants to expand its services.
With a new training program and improved digital tools, the city is working to support its community of minority-owned enterprises.
As participants in the City Accelerator initiative, these four cities have created smart, successful programs to better serve their residents.
Announcing the newest round of cities that will engage in the ongoing City Accelerator project.
After helping a dozen cities implement policy innovations through the City Accelerator initiative, these experts offer some best practices.
More people are casting primary ballots than four years ago. But that year, turnout was the lowest since World War II.
We don't need more policy initiatives. We need to rethink our processes.
The city is strengthening local businesses by making its contracting process more inclusive and transparent.
The New York Police Department will spare many people who smoke marijuana in public from getting arrested and will give them a ticket instead.