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Mike Maciag

Data Editor

Mike Maciag -- Data Editor. Mike analyzes databases and works on data journalism projects for the magazine. He writes on a variety of topics and manages the Governing Data portal for Prior to joining Governing, Mike worked at local newspapers in Erie, Pa., Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and Atlanta. He holds a master's degree in public administration from George Mason University and undergraduate degrees in journalism and computer science from the University of Dayton.  Email | Twitter @mikemaciag

Some districts spend two to six times more on students than other districts -- even in the same state.
As more shopping moves online, most places are suffering job losses. But not everywhere.
Cities that give away the most money in tax incentives tend to be those with greater levels of income inequality.
Hiring police officers is much harder than it used to be. To stay competitive, some are offering generous pay increases and bonuses.
The savings gap is a looming crisis, and states aren’t sure how to help.
Average annual suicide rates vary significantly across the country.
Expenses in different regions are diverging more now than in the recent past.
It’s already hard to count certain residents. But this time around, it could be particularly difficult.
Mail return rates for the 2010 Census and 2000 Census
State and local governments still haven't regained many of the jobs they cut, and they're unlikely to anytime soon.