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Rachel Teicher


Rachel Teicher is the director of the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention (IPVI) program at the National Network for Safe Communities. She provides direct technical assistance and support for the National Network's partner jurisdictions, which includes strategic advising and data management to sites implementing IPVI and sites interested in reducing serious intimate partner violence.

Before joining the National Network, Ms. Teicher worked as the director of strategic coordination in the New York City Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence. While at the Mayor's Office, she also was part of the administrative team that oversaw the Brooklyn Family Justice Center. Ms. Teicher also served as the outreach director in the New York City Department of Social Services' Office of External Affairs, where she developed and managed a community outreach initiative addressing issues of economic inequality, food insecurity and emergency assistance. Previously she worked with STEPS to End Family Violence and Mt. Sinai Hospital’s Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program.

Ms. Teicher holds a law degree from Hofstra University, a master's degree in humanities and social thought from New York University, and a bachelor's degree in sociology from Haverford College.

Procedural justice can improve victims' perceptions of police and help law enforcement make communities safer.