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Josh Goodman

Josh Goodman

Former Staff Writer

Josh Goodman, a former Governing staff writer, works on The Pew Charitable Trusts’ state fiscal policy project.

I just finished Craig Crawford's new book, Attack the Messenger , in which he claims that officeholders have increasingly turned to criticizing the media to deflect ...
Colorado's vote today will offer a decent barometer on the public's willingness to raise taxes in an era of small government. What's on the ballot ...
GOVERNING.COM COVERAGE & ANALYSIS IS HERE. ELECTION NIGHT LIVEBLOG IS HERE. I'll be on the 13th Floor Tuesday night, monitoring state and local election ...
6:04 P.M.: Conspicuously absent from my previous post was any mention of Texas' gay marriage ban. That's because the ban will fail only if pigs ...
6:51 P.M.: With Virginia's polls closing in a few minutes, I'll be looking with interest at the results from Loudoun County. Loudoun is growing remarkably ...
CBS has a helpful map with information on key races around the country, including what time the polls close (thanks go to Political Wire for ...
7:10 P.M.: Polls have closed in Virginia, but there are no exit polls today, so we'll have to wait for the results. Not Larry Sabato ...
7:25: As the Hotline's blog points out, we are hearing conflicting reports about turnout in Virginia. I just heard two reporters on T.V., one stationed ...
7:33 P.M.: Polls have now closed in Ohio. Besides the statewide referendums, there are also interesting mayoral races in Cleveland and Cincinnati. In Cleveland, incumbent ...
8:26 P.M.: Looking at the aggregate Virginia results, Democratic Tim Kaine appears to be outperforming fellow Democrats Leslie Byrne and Creigh Deeds, candidates for lt. ...