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John O'Leary


John O’Leary leads state and local government research efforts for the Deloitte Center for Government Insights. Prior to joining Deloitte, he served as the vice president of communications and executive reporting with State Street Bank.

O’Leary previously served in multiple senior leadership roles in Massachusetts state government and was a distinguished research fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He is the co-author of the best-selling 2010 book "If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government."

Even before California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger began issuing IOU's in July, some pundits (Michael Maiello, for one) were calling on President Obama to bail out...
The idea first arose during the days of $4-a-gallon gasoline in the summer of 2008. But now, even with energy prices way down from their peak,...
The latest article by Lynn Scarlett highlights something everybody can love -- an innovation that is not only good for the environment but saves money...
Since August 2008, Utah state employees have been working just four days a week and it doesn't look like the three day weekends are going to...
Reduced hours for public employees as a money-saving tool is all the rage. But is it effective? We recently ran an article on Atlanta's experiment...
The situation was dire. In the fall of 2008, King County Washington, the state's most populous county which includes the city of Seattle, was facing an...
When you buy a ticket from JetBlue, it costs you an extra $15 to book a flight over the phone compared to doing it yourself over...
Like many states, the Grand Canyon state is facing some tough choices. An article below from the Goldwater Institute offers their ideas for some reforms...
Like many states, the North Star State is facing tough times. The state's Department of Management and Budget says spending has been reduced in real...
The best public administration occurs when the public sector takes direction from political leaders, but doesn't allow politics to stand in the way of performance....