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Elizabeth K. Kellar


Elizabeth K. Kellar is Senior Fellow with the Center for State and Local Government Excellence, which she served as president/CEO since it was founded. She is the director of public policy for the International City/County Management Association and also has served as ICMA's deputy executive director and ethics adviser. She served two terms on the Montgomery County, Md., Ethics Commission, which she chaired for three years.

Kellar is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and has served as chair of NAPA's Standing Panel on the Federal System. She has served on the American University School of Public Affairs Advisory Council and on the editorial board of Public Administration Review. Her publications include "Managing with Less," "Ethical Insight, Ethical Action" and "Ethos."

Prior to joining ICMA, Kellar was responsible for community relations for the city of Sunnyvale, Calif. She has a master's degree in journalism and political science from Ohio State University.

It's expensive, time-consuming and seldom produces the hoped-for results. Municipalities instead should heed the lessons of those that have dealt with tough fiscal times effectively.