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Andy Kim

Andy Kim

Former Staff Writer

Andy Kim is a former GOVERNING staff writer. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin's School of Journalism, he has also worked in advertising as a copywriter.

Anthony Miller, GOP chairman of Arizona Legislative District 20 — announcing his resignation from his position after the attack on U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
Russell Pearce, Arizona Senate President — commenting on a bill that creates a "funeral protection zone" banning protesters from coming within 300 feet of a funeral service.
The yearly increase in taxes an individual or family in Illinois earning $40,000 annually will see with the newly raised income tax. It rose from 3 to 5 percent.
The average cigarette tax in states with above-average smoking rates (>24%).
Dennis Hastert, former U.S. House Speaker — testifying in court on Tom DeLay's behalf, saying that he was a trustworthy friend. DeLay, however, ended up receiving a three-year prison sentence for political money-laundering convictions.
Some students from low-income families in Missouri will continue to receive meal-assistance during summer vacation this year thanks to a statewide food-security program.
Jack Kingston, Georgia representative — during a discussion with other House representatives about how to respond to the Arizona shootings.
The percentage of Texans polled who said they disapproved of politicians switching parties, describing it as distrustful and unseemly.
Mark Spencer, president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association — commenting on the effects the city's police union are feeling because of Arizona's SB 1070, which requires law-enforcement officers to detain suspected undocumented immigrants when practicable.
The amount of money set aside by the city of Paramount, Calif., for the 2011 City Council elections -- which was canceled because no challengers registered to run.