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Amy Liu


Amy Liu is vice president of the Brookings Institution, director of its Metropolitan Policy Program and the Adeline M. and Alfred I. Johnson Chair in Urban and Metropolitan Policy. She was co-editor of the book Resilience and Opportunity: Lessons from the U.S. Gulf Coast after Katrina and Rita, published in 2011, and the author of the 2016 Brookings report "Remaking Economic Development: the Markets and Civics of Continuous Growth and Prosperity."

In 2013, Liu served as a special advisor to the U.S. secretary of commerce, guiding policy priorities related to trade, innovation and data. In 2010, she co-authored "Delivering the Next Economy: The States Step Up," outlining a model for states to support bottom-up regional innovation. Before joining Brookings, Liu was special assistant to HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros and staffed the U.S. Senate Banking Committee's subcommittee on housing and urban affairs.

Liu holds a degree in social policy and urban studies from Northwestern University and is a graduate of the Columbia University Business School's High Impact Leadership Program.