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How safe is it to make payments at your local government office during the pandemic? Offices can limit cards, cash and checks from changing hands—and help slow the spread of COVID-19—by taking these steps.
We are offering a variety of on-demand Elastic training courses for free — featuring 11 titles that span observability, security, and Elastic Stack administration.
Continue to follow along with our new #GovernmentNow and #PublicSectorNow blog series, where we’ll address stories of innovation and inspiration, pressing topics, and changing perspectives for today’s ever-evolving world.
Innovative technology rapidly expands West Virginia’s ability to serve citizens affected by COVID-19.
Forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, government agencies are discovering that collaboration on the budget is difficult. What can they do to prepare their budgets remotely and plan for the evolving crisis?
How to put CARES Act funding to work NOW to respond to the surge in citizen outreach. This strategy guide answers pressing questions and offers ways to improve public response in days, rather than weeks.
Innovative technology enables state Department of Labor and Training to rapidly scale services for residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the last month, the COVID-19 pandemic has flipped our country on its head.
Cities are evolving faster than ever. By engaging in an open mobility ecosystem model, cities can more efficiently power their ecosystem today and drive sustainable innovation for tomorrow.
Hackers take advantage of poor IT security practices to steal data and take down systems.
A culture change is happening. It’s been happening for a couple of decades now. Data is becoming more accessible through automation. But it’s not easy to make this transition.
As more governments recognize the power of cloud-based software to drive efficiency and streamline workflows, citizens are also seeing the positive effects of modern technology used in the public sector.
How can an innovative approach to retiree health care help solve a city’s financial liabilities? The CFO of the City of Memphis shares lessons learned.
Why do so many software implementations in the public sector fail, stall or never reach their full potential? Are they buying the wrong software, are they using the wrong consulting firm or is it something completely different?
Governments of all sizes around the nation, whether they be cities, counties, or states, understand the importance of economic development to building a successful organization.
Many people have seen the drastic inefficiencies and lack of transparency within government and, in turn, the connection between taxpayers and government officials has suffered.
Improving election system security requires more than technical solutions. It also requires the funding, trained workforce, and public acknowledgment necessary to ensure the commitment needed to conduct fair elections.
There’s no easy solution, but state and local government leaders are finding ways to create more sustainable systems. Here’s how.
Ransomware attacks and payments are on the rise. Between April and June, the average payment from a government rose to $338,700 compared to $36,295 for private-sector victims.
Today’s governments are at a crossroads: leverage modern technology to foster an informed and bought-in populace or ignore technological trends and risk alienating constituents.
Expanding the definition of “election systems” to include all of the primary and secondary interfaces to voter registration databases can also expand the number of funding sources available for the acquisition of tools and services to protect these interfaces.
As if weather related events that compromise our safety and security aren’t enough, the critical events driven by man-made actions have been a turning point for our nation.
Many governments are looking to implement budget transparency practices that can improve the public’s perception of their performance. Learn how data visualization tools can help your organization tell its financial story, increase data transparency, and improve stakeholder trust and engagement.
Determining what to measure is the first step of performance management. Part one of this series of articles will show you how to start on your performance journey.
Every now and then we must stop to remind ourselves why we do what we do. Is it important? Do I like it? Is it worth it? Imagine working for a city and being able to make long-range structural changes to its development policy at young ages.
“Election systems” are thought of as the hardware and software needed to collect votes and report them on Election Day. In fact, these systems operate year-round, so securing them from cyber threat actors requires equal vigilance.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions are popular for providing a one-size-fits-all approach to financial management; however, today’s government agencies require a system with the flexibility and functionality to implement budgeting best practices.
Counties have long experienced pain points in managing volatile funding sources, but recently new technology has emerged to help them more effectively manage these priorities.
In today’s world of digital-first communications and mobile device proliferation, a successful citizen engagement strategy has to focus on equitable and easy access to digital news, information, and resources.
Making simple steps towards understanding what employees value most can create a huge impact on recruiting and retention in your organization.