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Embrace Your Limitations -- in Life and Public Policy

That's the advice of Kristen Cox, who lost her sight in her 20s and became a client of public services. Now, her job is to oversee them.

Kristen Cox knows about constraints.

While coming to terms with becoming blind, she hit rock-bottom in a manhole. That’s not a metaphor. Nor is her solo skydiving. But they do give you a sense of the highs and lows she’s confronted.

And she’ll tell you that embracing your constraints makes for good public policy -- and a good life.

After the Great Recession, as the executive director of the Utah Office of Management and Budget, Cox used fiscal stress tests to give her state a financial reality check that few were doing at the time. Knowing a state's vulnerabilities, she believes, are just as important as knowing its strengths.

Listen to the full interview below. You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts  or Stitcher, or bookmark the "In the Arena" page.



Previous Guests:


Future Guests:

  • Steve Benjamin, mayor of Columbia, S.C.
  • Nan Whaley, mayor of Dayton, Ohio
  • Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota
CEO of e.Republic and publisher of Governing.
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