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Chris Castro Wants You to Rethink Government and the Environment

His approach to sustainability is bolder than most.


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Chris Castro is full of big ideas, and he’s ready to shake up how local governments do business.

His parents had a palm tree farm in Miami, which gave him a love for the environment. Now, he combines that passion with innovation as Orlando’s director of sustainability.

He's currently turning front yards in his Florida city into small farms that provide nutritious food to communities that lack access to healthy choices. Castro also has another ambitious effort underway: making Orlando carbon-free by the year 2050.

Castro believes that successful governments don’t have to compromise the planet’s future. Economic, social and environmental interests can all co-exist, he says.

On this episode of "In the Arena," he discusses that mission in addition to how sustainability touches everything -- infrastructure, jobs and even social justice.


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CEO of e.Republic and publisher of Governing.
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