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Idaho Tracks Its Transportation Performance

A new website helps taxpayers, legislators and transportation partners track the Idaho Transportation Department's progress in nine performance areas.

Some states are old hands at the open government movement. In addition to tracking stimulus spending and general state spending, several states have listed information about employee salaries, grants, campaign finance disclsoures and more. Now, that transparency is spreading to other parts of state government: The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has launched a Web-based dashboard to track its progress in nine performance areas. Resembling a car's speedometer, the individual dashboard graphics show the status and desired trend for measures like the traffic fatality rate, percent of pavement that is in good or fair condition, percent of highway projects developed on time, highway congestion and administration and planning expenditures. Clicking any of the dashboard gauges takes users to detailed pages on why tracking a certain measure is important, what ITD is doing to meet its objectives and how it is measuring progress. ITD's nine performance measures correlate with its three primary goals: improving safety, enhancing mobility and supporting economic vitality.

Elizabeth Daigneau is GOVERNING's managing editor.
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