The Wall Street Journal, in an editorial breathlessly headlined "The Vanishing Workers," called this "the most troubling trend in the April jobs report" and warned that "the priority of the next administration must be to reverse the decline." So how scared should we be? Not much.

From 1948 until the middle 1970s, the rate was under 60 percent. When you break it down by gender, you see that the rate for men steadily declined from 1948 to the present and that the decline has accelerated a bit since the beginning of the recession. The rate for women rose sharply from 1948 to 1998, when it leveled off, and it too has dropped during the recession. So the rise in the overall rate above the 60 percent at which it had been for a quarter-century was largely the result of women's entry into the workforce. The middle 1970s also is the point at which real wages began to decline, a result in part of the increased supply of labor allowing employers to bid down wages.

There's another aspect of these labor statistics that we should keep in mind. While worker productivity has been rising for decades, incomes have been falling. Median household income fell last year by 2.3 percent, to $49,445, and has declined by 7 percent since 2000 after adjusting for inflation — the first decade-long decline in at least half a century. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median hourly wage for all workers is now $16.57. At that rate, it takes 2,984 hours — more than 900 hours beyond full-time at 40 hours a week — to achieve that median income of $49,445.
I think that one reason for the declining participation of younger people in the labor force is that they have looked at the way their parents seemed to live to work and want more balance in their lives. They've read "Bowling Alone" and don't much like what it describes. They want more time with spouses and more time with children. They want time for relationships with friends and to feel connected to the community. And they're staying in school longer preparing to do the things in life they most want to do.
We don't need to increase labor-force participation by increasing the number of people working at low-wage jobs. Instead, the priority for the next administration ought to be to create an economy strong enough that the typical full-time worker, male or female, can earn enough to support the typical family. The result will be stronger marriages, happier children and more livable communities.