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School Bus Fatal Accidents Map

Map shows all traffic fatalities occurring in school buses between 2005 and 2014.

Fatal school bus accidents remain very rare across the country. Between 2005 and 2014, 106 people riding in or driving school buses were killed nationwide.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a database of all traffic fatalities. Accidents shown on this map from the database meet the following criteria:

  • Occurred between 2005 and 2014
  • At least one person (driver or passenger) in a vehicle used as a school bus was killed
  • Accident was classified as "school-transportation-related"
The 83 crashes shown do not include pedestrians or those killed in other vehicles. An additional 17 fatalities over the 10-year period occurred in vehicles used as school buses, but were not identified as "school transportation-related" accidents in the federal data. These crashes involved church buses, buses used for recreation and other purposes.

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