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Caroline Cournoyer

Senior Web Editor

Caroline Cournoyer -- Senior Web Editor. Caroline covered federal policy and politics for CongressNow, the former legislative wire service for Roll Call, has written for Education Week's Teacher Magazine, and learned the ins and outs of state and local government while working as an assistant editor at WTOP Radio.

Ratio of bills enacted to those introduced in state legislatures this year to help with consumer pharmaceutical costs.
Net number of jobs Kansas has lured away from Missouri over the last 10 years of economic development competition between the two states.
Tweet from Nebraska state Sen. John McCollister after the El Paso shooting. In response, the Nebraska Republican Party called the statement false and urged McCollister to leave the GOP.
Amount the Trump campaign owes the Texas city of El Paso for police and public safety services associated with a rally there in February. Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke held a rally the same day and paid the city in May.
U.S. voters who have been removed from registration lists in the last five years. Counties with histories of discrimination were once required to seek federal approval to purge voters. Without that rule, those counties purge voters at a higher rate than other counties.
Tennessee state Rep. Bill Dunn, expressing less than excitement to temporarily replace House Speaker Glen Casada. That means attending State Building Commission meetings.
The option is spreading at a time of heightened fear of foreign interference in U.S. elections. It has been used in a few local elections and will be available to some voters in the 2020 presidential caucuses.
Size of the refund checks being sent to South Carolina residents, who paid for a $2 billion nuclear project that was never completed. It's a fraction of what they were charged for the project on their utility bills.
Message on the Instagram for House of Yes, a Brooklyn nightclub that's working with New York City's health department to raise awareness about the mixing of cocaine with the deadly opioid fentanyl.
Illinois state Sen. Thomas E. Cullerton has been indicted by federal authorities on embezzlement charges alleging he pocketed almost $275,000 in salary and benefits from the Teamsters union despite doing little or no work.