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omg u guyz: Illinois' Proposed Walking/Texting Ban Still Has Legs

Texting-while-walking could become a crime in Illinois: Several officials, including the Illinois secretary of state, have voiced approval for a bill that would outlaw the ...

walktext.jpg Texting-while-walking could become a crime in Illinois: Several officials, including the Illinois secretary of state, have voiced approval for a bill that would outlaw the practice.

Is this merely the next logical step after so many states and cities have passed bans on using handheld cell phones while driving? Or is this a pointless step too far?

More importantly, would you be affected?  Are you a texter-walker?

Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism
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