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History in the Making

All of the state bureaucrats toiling away in obscure positions should take heart. You might be the next Rob Wittman. Republicans in Virginia gathered last ...

wittman.jpg All of the state bureaucrats toiling away in obscure positions should take heart. You might be the next Rob Wittman.

Republicans in Virginia gathered last weekend to nominate a candidate for the first congressional district to replace the recently deceased Jo Ann Davis. They chose Wittman, a one-term state legislator, who also holds a position in the Virginia Department of Health.

His title: Director of Field Operations for the Division of Shellfish Sanitation.

If Wittman wins the December special election -- and this is a heavily Republican district -- he may very well be the first shellfish sanitation regulator to ever serve in Congress. You can learn more about the Division of Shellfish Sanitation here, including their statement of purpose, mission statement and values statement.

Josh Goodman is a former staff writer for GOVERNING..
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