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Happy Holidays, from the Satanic Temple

The Florida capitol’s holiday display will include a festive message from the Satanic Temple.

An angel will drop from the sky into a pit of flames on the rotunda in front of Florida’s state capitol building this month.


Its message? “Happy Holidays from the Satanic Temple.”

The Satanic Temple, along with Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, announced this week that Florida officials had agreed to allow the temple’s holiday display at the state capitol in Tallahassee from Dec. 22-29, in an area designated as an open forum for private speech.

During past holidays, the rotunda has hosted a six-foot “Festivus pole” made out of beer cans, a Pastafarian Flying Spaghetti Monster and a Nativity scene, all funded by private organizations.

The Satanic Temple’s display, which also features a verse from Isaiah, is the same one rejected by Florida officials as “grossly offensive” last year, Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves said in an e-mail.

“The only difference is that this year we arrived with lawyers,” Greaves said.


Daniel Luzer is GOVERNING's news editor.
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