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Behind the Lens: Changing Lights (and More) in Tulsa

Photos and musings from our photographer David Kidd.

Tulsa Arts District
(David Kidd)
Change is coming to Tulsa, Okla.’s Brady Arts District, one of the oldest sections of town.

The city has been installing new LED streetlights designed to complement the historic character of the neighborhood of repurposed brick warehouses. They'll also save money -- LEDs can cut lighting costs by up to 60 percent.

But new streetlights aren’t the only update to the Brady Arts District.

The historic part of town had long been named for Wyatt Tate Brady, an early Tulsa businessman. But in 2013, after revelations came to light that Brady had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan, the city council renamed Brady St., a main thoroughfare in the district, to M.B. Brady Street, in honor of Civil War photographer Mathew Brady.

The city council didn't have the authority to rename the entire district, though. That role fell to the local business association, which recently announced a new name for the area: the Tulsa Arts District.

Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism
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