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Arizona Gov. Asked to Testify Before Immigration Law Heads to Court

Before the U.S. Supreme Court hears the arguments for and against Arizona’s controversial immigration law, the leader of a Senate immigration panel wants to hear the governor’s opinion on the issue.

Before the U.S. Supreme Court hears the arguments for and against Arizona’s controversial immigration law, the leader of a U.S. Senate immigration panel wants to hear Gov. Jan Brewer's opinion on the issue, according to a press release.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has asked Brewer to testify before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security on April 24 -- the day before oral arguments to decide the constitutionality of S.B. 1070 begin.

In a letter to Brewer, Schumer wrote that he wanted to know why she signed the law and if she still thinks it’s necessary:

“As you frequently ask the president to visit the southern border to discuss border security, we expect that you will be eager to engage in a productive dialogue with the Congressional committee responsible for acting upon any border security recommendations you provide."

Brewer signed S.B. 1070 in April 2010, making it illegal for people to be without documents that prove their immigration status and authorizing police to detain people on the suspicion that they may be illegal immigrants.


Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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