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You Know What

Normally I don't publish off the record remarks, but this one is so charming and innocuous -- and I'll keep the person in question anonymous ...

Normally I don't publish off the record remarks, but this one is so charming and innocuous -- and I'll keep the person in question anonymous -- that I really can't see the harm.

Yesterday, I was speaking to a former public official. She mentioned a group that had irked her in office and asked me, "Can I cuss off the record?"

I assured her she could. She said, "They are a pain in the you-know-what."

I then assured her than I did know-what, but told her that whether we were on the record or off, she couldn't really claim to be "cussing."

Alan Greenblatt is the editor of Governing. He can be found on Twitter at @AlanGreenblatt.
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