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Wine To Go, Whining To Stop

Waiters in Massachusetts' restaurants are going to have to figure out how to make those little foil swans for wrapping up leftover wine and sending ...

Waiters in Massachusetts' restaurants are going to have to figure out how to make those little foil swans for wrapping up leftover wine and sending it home with diners. It is now legal to take home leftovers. Your Boston baked beans. Your Boston brown bread. Your Boston cream pie. And now the wine you washed it all down with, the Boston Globe reports.

Actually, scrap the foil. The legislature decreed that open wine bottles must be put in special clear, sealable bags so police can check on whether diners are drinking in the car on the way home. Oh, and a receipt has to be attached to the bottle to prove the customer bought a meal. Oh, and a meal is an entree, not just a salad. And, "tableware" must be involved. 

So, it's not quite as easy as it sounds. The president of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association said the law will have to be adjusted before permanent rules are issued. I'm guessing he's not going to suggest more restrictions.

Ellen Perlman was a GOVERNING staff writer and technology columnist.
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