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A Simple Way to Explain Health Care Reform

Does thinking about health care reform make your head hurt? A video by the Kaiser Family Foundation makes things easy.

Does talking about health care reforms make your head hurt or go above your head? Maybe one remedy is to get back to basics. A cool video from the Kaiser Family Foundation explains what exactly is going to happen to Main Street prior to and after 2014. And because its cartoon-based (who doesn't love cartoons?), it's a fun (and informative) clip to pass around to colleagues and family. Scroll to 2:50 for a description of what the Affordable Care Act really does and to 4:53 for an easy way to explain state health care exchanges.

Or if you're worried about watching 'toons at your desk, Kaiser also provides a pdf transcript of the changes.

(h/t Mike Allen, Politico's Playbook)

Tina Trenkner is the Deputy Editor for She edits the Technology and Health newsletters.
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