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The Antonio Show

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is starring in an episode of ABC-TV's "The George Lopez Show," set to air October 5. I suppose we ...

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is starring in an episode of ABC-TV's "The George Lopez Show," set to air October 5. I suppose we should never be too surprised to hear that a mayor of Tinseltown will be hamming it up on a sitcom. Still it's always fun, and sometimes a little bizarre, watching pols act.

villaraigosa.jpg I suppose you could argue they're always acting. But delivering lines is different than delivering speeches.

And there have been some spectacular failures. As the LA Times reminded me, former California Governor Gray Davis did a stint last year on the CBS sitcom "Yes, Dear." I don't watch much TV, but somehow I caught the scene in which Tim Conway and Davis get into a fight at a Lakers game. Surely, Davis viewed the gig as a shot at polishing his public image--darkened as it was by his replacement by an actual actor. But I remember feeling a bit embarrassed for him.

Help me out here: What other mayors or governors have done cameos and bit parts on TV shows or movies? Any Emmy- or Oscar-worthy performances out there?

Christopher Swope was GOVERNING's executive editor.
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