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Steve Goldsmith to Bring "Better, Faster, Cheaper" Approach to New York City

It has been clear for some time that the innovative, cost-saving approaches highlighted at this site are in high demand among public officials. So it...

It has been clear for some time that the innovative, cost-saving approaches highlighted at this site are in high demand among public officials. So it shouldn't be too shocking to learn that Steve Goldsmith is heading to the Big Apple to practice what he teaches--better government for less.

Professor Stephen Goldsmith of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government has been tapped by Mayor Michael Bloomberg to serve as New York's Deputy Mayor of Operations, essentially the number two spot in city government. Said the mayor at the press conference introducing his pick: "Lots of people talk about reinventing government; I think it's fair to say Steve has actually done that." Goldsmith served for two terms as mayor of Indianapolis, and is credited for successfully launching a citywide competition initiative.

Mayor Bloomberg has been committed to innovation, introducing shakeups in the city's 311 system and school administration. New York City will need more innovative thinking going forward, as the city faces a looming $5 billion budget gap. Goldsmith will oversee some 12 city agencies, including police, fire, transportation and sanitation.

The innovation group at the Ash Center will continue to follow the latest trends in public sector streamlining. Stephen Goldsmith, while on leave from Harvard, will continue to contribute and we wish him the best in his new undertaking.

Heads state and local government research for the Deloitte Center for Government Insights
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