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Not So Sharpe

We gave you a Heads Up about this a little earlier, but it deserves a little more discussion. You can hardly blame Sharpe James. He ...

rio.jpg We gave you a Heads Up about this a little earlier, but it deserves a little more discussion.

You can hardly blame Sharpe James. He logged 20 years as mayor of Newark, NJ. It's a tough city. Tough job. Twenty years!

So clearly, James deserved to go out with a bang, or perhaps a boom boom boom. That would be the samba beat of Rio, where James enjoyed five days of his last week in office. According to the Star-Ledger, James stayed in a four star hotel in Ipanema, and dined at the city's finest restaurants. It was a $6,500 seeya later splurge, all charged to a secret Newark Police Department credit card account.

James says the June visit wasn't all caipirinhas--there was important city business to tend to. Such as inspecting the all-you-can-eat seafood bacchanal at Marius Crustaceos.

Christopher Swope was GOVERNING's executive editor.
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