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Lyft for Medicaid Patients? States Update Medical Transport Coverage

Medicaid recipients in Arizona can now use Lyft to travel to non-emergency medical appointments, with similar laws on the way in Florida and Texas.

By Kate Elizabeth Queram

Medicaid recipients in Arizona can use their benefits to pay for Lyft rides to and from medical appointments, the result of a recent policy change by the state’s program.

The change, announced in May by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, allows ride-sharing companies to register as providers for Medicaid beneficiaries “who do not require personal assistance during medically necessary transportation.”

Enrollees can’t request a ride directly from Lyft, the policy notes, but should continue to contact their health plan for transportation requests.

“The health care plan and/or their transportation broker will assess the member’s need and determine whether a Transportation Network Company is a viable option,” it says.

Arizona’s Medicaid program is the first in the country to partner with a ride-sharing company to offer transportation options to its members, though similar laws are on the books in Florida and Texas. Nearly a quarter of Arizona’s population is enrolled in Medicaid.

“This is a significant step forward in medical transportation services and we look forward to seeing its positive impact,” Jami Snyder, director of AHCCCS, said in a statement.

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