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Is this a reality show or are we really outside?

How do you get people into your state parks and forests? One way is to tap into their penchant for being TV-watching couch potatoes. Connecticut ...

hikers.jpg How do you get people into your state parks and forests? One way is to tap into their penchant for being TV-watching couch potatoes. Connecticut is launching an adventure game based loosely on the "reality" show, The Amazing Race.

Teams of families are invited to spend eight weeks searching for clues in the park system and hiking and biking. Winners get prizes, such as mountain bikes and camping equipment. The "Great Park Pursuit: The Connecticut State Parks Family Adventure," is part of the Department of Environmental Protection's "No Child Left Inside" initiative. (What a great name!)

State officials hope to increase awareness of the 105 state parks and 32 state forests and encourage healthy lifestyles. Hey, can out-of-staters play?

Ellen Perlman was a GOVERNING staff writer and technology columnist.
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