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In Unfamiliar Waters, Christie Criticizes Trump on Offshore Drilling

The Christie administration Wednesday issued a rebuke to President Donald Trump’s bid to open Atlantic Ocean waters to offshore drilling.

The Christie administration Wednesday issued a rebuke to President Donald Trump’s bid to open Atlantic Ocean waters to offshore drilling.

In formal comments filed with the federal government, Gov. Chris Christie reaffirmed his opposition to any industrialization of the New Jersey coast that could affect the state’s natural resources, coastal communities or economy. It’s a rare case of policy agreement between environmental groups and Christie.

Trump has said he wants to expand development of the country's oil and gas reserves and the U.S. Department of the Interior recently proposed a five-year program to lease large tracts of underwater areas along the outer continental shelf from Maine to Florida for oil and natural gas exploration and potential development.

Trump’s proposal would reverse a ban on offshore Atlantic drilling imposed by the Obama administration.

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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