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In Pennsylvania, State Lawmaker Extends Restraining Order Against Fellow Legislator

A judge on Thursday extended for three years a restraining order obtained by a state legislator who has accused Rep. Nick Miccarelli (R., Delaware) of physical and mental abuse while the two were dating in 2012 and of stalking her in the state Capitol later.

A judge on Thursday extended for three years a restraining order obtained by a state legislator who has accused Rep. Nick Miccarelli (R., Delaware) of physical and mental abuse while the two were dating in 2012 and of stalking her in the state Capitol later.

The permanent protection-from-abuse order was negotiated by lawyers for the legislative colleagues in closed-door talks prior to a public court session. It allows Miccarelli to work in the Capitol, where he and Rep. Tarah Toohil (R., Luzerne) both have offices, but requires him to relinquish his firearms except when he is on duty with the Pennsylvania National Guard.

Miccarelli, 35, an Iraq War veteran, has strongly denied the allegations, and the negotiated order contains no admission of guilt on his part.

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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