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Gary Hart to mayors: Link the war and global warming. Salt Lake Tribune If you only resign for seven weeks, isn't that called a "...

newsbutton-42.jpg Gary Hart to mayors: Link the war and global warming. Salt Lake Tribune

newsbutton-42.jpg If you only resign for seven weeks, isn't that called a "vacation"? Sioux Falls Argus Leader

newsbutton-42.jpg Philly's privatized schools face cuts. Inquirer

newsbutton-42.jpg Wait, you can register for gifts for leaving your job??  Mike Huckabee thinks so. AP

newsbutton-42.jpg Video makes LAPD revisit pepper spray policy. LA Times

newsbutton-42.jpg Guess how many patients got infections in PA hospitals last year? (Hint: it's in the 5-digits.) Inquirer

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Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism
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