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Friendly Skies?

Who's the most frequent flyer on Alaska's new state jet? Not Guv Frank Murkowski. The AP analyzed the jet's first three months of action and ...

jet-window.jpg Who's the most frequent flyer on Alaska's new state jet? Not Guv Frank Murkowski. The AP analyzed the jet's first three months of action and found that Murkowski consumed only 23 percent of the jet's flying time.

Rather, Alaska's frequent flyer award goes to the state's prisoners. The private jet has spent more than half of its flight time shuttling 98 inmates back and forth between snowy Alaska and sunny Arizona. Alaska contracts for prison space in Arizona.

Pretty ironic, considering that Murkowski's request for the jet drew all the predictable complaints about it being an unnecessary luxury. It's been a luxury, alright, but not exactly in the way the critics had expected.

Christopher Swope was GOVERNING's executive editor.
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