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Does Privatization Work for Cities?

It is an age-old debate: Can competitive outsourcing help struggling cities stretch scarce tax dollars? In this 8 minute video from the John Stossel show, Stephen...

It is an age-old debate: Can competitive outsourcing help struggling cities stretch scarce tax dollars?

In this 8 minute video from the John Stossel show, Stephen Goldsmith tells the success story of his competition initiative in Indianapolis when he served as mayor.

He points out that he was able to reduce costs, enhance services, and put Indianapolis on a stronger financial footing, avoiding the dreaded "death spiral" of higher-taxes and fleeing-citizens that plague so many midewestern cities, such as Cleveland and Detroit.

Taking the other side of the issue is Congressman Dennis Kucinich from Ohio. The show contrasts the Indianapolis approach with Cleveland, which runs a produce market, golf courses, and more. It is a fascinating contrast in visions, and a conversation you won't want to miss.

Heads state and local government research for the Deloitte Center for Government Insights
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