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Blocking Blogs

Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher has been having his problems. He just doesn't want people -- especially state employees -- to know about them. We noted ...

Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher has been having his problems. He just doesn't want people -- especially state employees -- to know about them.

We noted earlier this week that Fletcher is attempting to keep under seal the findings of the grand jury investigating him. Now it appears that his administration is blocking access to some liberal blogs from state-owned computers -- notably, run by Mark Nickolas, a former campaign manager of Fletcher's Democratic opponent in 2003, which has been dogged in reporting on Fletcher's travails. (So say all the other liberal sites.)

Meanwhile, commonwealth employees appear still to have free access to right-leaning sites. wonders whether it's a coincidence that state employee access was blocked the day after The New York Times ran a front-page story about Fletcher's political problems -- quoting Nickolas.

Alan Greenblatt is the editor of Governing. He can be found on Twitter at @AlanGreenblatt.
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