Education Data 101: A Briefing Book for Policymakers

Data has become a critical part of education policy conversations in every state, and this briefing book is meant to bring you up to speed on the major topics you need to know about, from the basics of how data helps improve student achievement to state report cards, educator preparation, safeguarding data, and more. It also includes recommendations and resources on how to take action in your state.

Every student deserves a quality education, and data is a tool that can help make it possible. Information about the schools in your state can help you answer important questions to inform policy decisions and drive continuous improvement. Likewise, access to high-quality data can empower those closest to students to make better decisions and support student learning at every level. With a clear understanding of the opportunities to leverage the power of data, policymakers can play a vital role to ensure that everyone with a stake in education has the right data at the right time to make the best education decisions for every child.

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